{% if live_build_distribution is defined %} --distribution "{{ live_build_distribution }}" {% endif %} {% if live_build_archive_areas is defined %} --archive-areas "{{ live_build_archive_areas | join(' ') }}" {% endif %} --mirror-bootstrap {{ debian_mirror }} --mirror-binary {{ debian_mirror }} {% if live_build_bootappend_live is defined %} --bootappend-live "{{ live_build_bootappend_live }}" {% endif %} {% if debian_live_debian_installer is defined %} --debian-installer "{{ debian_live_debian_installer }}" {% endif %} {% if debian_mirror is defined %} --mirror-binary "{{ debian_mirror }}" --mirror-binary-updates "{{ debian_mirror }}" {% if (debian_backports is defined) and (debian_backports == true) %} --mirror-binary-backports "{{ debian_mirror }}" {% endif %} --mirror-debian-installer "{{ debian_mirror }}" {% endif %} {% if debian_security_mirror is defined %} --mirror-binary-security "{{ debian_security_mirror }}" {% endif %} {% if (debian_backports is defined) and (debian_backports == true) %} --backports true {% endif %} {% if debian_components is defined %} --archive-areas {% debian_components | join(",") %} {% endif %}