123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433 |
- jitsi_meet_config_subdirectories:
- - web/crontabs
- - web/letsencrypt
- - transcripts
- - prosody/config
- - prosody/prosody-plugins-custom
- - jicofo
- - jvb
- - jigasi
- - jibri
- jitsi_meet_docker_env:
- # Security
- #
- # Set these to strong passwords to avoid intruders from impersonating a service account
- # The service(s) won't start unless these are specified
- # Running ./gen-passwords.sh will update .env with strong passwords
- # You may skip the Jigasi and Jibri passwords if you are not using those
- # DO NOT reuse passwords
- #
- # XMPP password for Jicofo client connections
- JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD: "{{jitsi_meet_jicofo_auth_password}}"
- # XMPP password for JVB client connections
- JVB_AUTH_PASSWORD: "{{jitsi_meet_jvb_auth_password}}"
- # XMPP password for Jigasi MUC client connections
- JIGASI_XMPP_PASSWORD: "{{jitsi_meet_jvb_auth_password}}"
- # XMPP recorder password for Jibri client connections
- JIBRI_RECORDER_PASSWORD: "{{jitsi_meet_jvb_auth_password}}"
- # XMPP password for Jibri client connections
- JIBRI_XMPP_PASSWORD: "{{jitsi_meet_jvb_auth_password}}"
- #
- # Basic configuration options
- #
- # Directory where all configuration will be stored
- CONFIG: "{{jitsi_meet_config_directory}}"
- # Exposed HTTP port
- HTTP_PORT: "{{jitsi_meet_http_port}}"
- # Exposed HTTPS port
- HTTPS_PORT: "{{jitsi_meet_https_port}}"
- # System time zone
- TZ: "{{jitsi_meet_timezone}}"
- # Public URL for the web service (required)
- PUBLIC_URL: "{{ jitsi_meet_public_url }}"
- # IP address of the Docker host
- # See the "Running behind NAT or on a LAN environment" section in the Handbook:
- # https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/devops-guide/devops-guide-docker#running-behind-nat-or-on-a-lan-environment
- DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS: "{{ jitsi_meet_docker_host_address }}"
- # Control whether the lobby feature should be enabled or not
- ENABLE_LOBBY: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_lobby|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Control whether the A/V moderation should be enabled or not
- ENABLE_AV_MODERATION: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_av_moderation|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Show a prejoin page before entering a conference
- ENABLE_PREJOIN_PAGE: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_prejoin_page|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Enable the welcome page
- ENABLE_WELCOME_PAGE: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_welcome_page|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Enable the close page
- ENABLE_CLOSE_PAGE: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_close_page|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Disable measuring of audio levels
- DISABLE_AUDIO_LEVELS: "{{jitsi_meet_disable_audio_levels|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Enable noisy mic detection
- ENABLE_NOISY_MIC_DETECTION: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_noisy_mic_detection|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Enable breakout rooms
- ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_breakout_rooms|ternary('1','0')}}"
- #
- # Let's Encrypt configuration
- #
- # Enable Let's Encrypt certificate generation
- ENABLE_LETSENCRYPT: "{{jitsi_meet_enable_letsencrypt|ternary('1','0')}}"
- # Domain for which to generate the certificate
- LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN: "{{jitsi_meet_letsencrypt_domain}}"
- # E-Mail for receiving important account notifications (mandatory)
- LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: "{{jitsi_meet_letsencrypt_email}}"
- # Use the staging server (for avoiding rate limits while testing)
- LETSENCRYPT_USE_STAGING: "{{jitsi_meet_letsencrypt_use_staging|ternary('1','0')}}"
- #
- # Etherpad integration (for document sharing)
- #
- # Set etherpad-lite URL in docker local network (uncomment to enable)
- #ETHERPAD_URL_BASE=http://etherpad.meet.jitsi:9001
- # Set etherpad-lite public URL, including /p/ pad path fragment (uncomment to enable)
- #ETHERPAD_PUBLIC_URL=https://etherpad.my.domain/p/
- # Name your etherpad instance!
- # The default text of a pad
- #ETHERPAD_DEFAULT_PAD_TEXT="Welcome to Web Chat!\n\n"
- # Name of the skin for etherpad
- # Skin variants for etherpad
- #ETHERPAD_SKIN_VARIANTS="super-light-toolbar super-light-editor light-background full-width-editor"
- #
- # Basic Jigasi configuration options (needed for SIP gateway support)
- #
- # SIP URI for incoming / outgoing calls
- #JIGASI_SIP_URI=test@sip2sip.info
- # Password for the specified SIP account as a clear text
- # SIP server (use the SIP account domain if in doubt)
- #JIGASI_SIP_SERVER=sip2sip.info
- # SIP server port
- # SIP server transport
- #
- # Authentication configuration (see handbook for details)
- #
- # Enable authentication
- # Enable guest access
- # Select authentication type: internal, jwt, ldap or matrix
- #AUTH_TYPE=internal
- # JWT authentication
- #
- # Application identifier
- #JWT_APP_ID=my_jitsi_app_id
- # Application secret known only to your token generator
- #JWT_APP_SECRET=my_jitsi_app_secret
- # (Optional) Set asap_accepted_issuers as a comma separated list
- #JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS=my_web_client,my_app_client
- # (Optional) Set asap_accepted_audiences as a comma separated list
- #JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES=my_server1,my_server2
- # LDAP authentication (for more information see the Cyrus SASL saslauthd.conf man page)
- #
- # LDAP url for connection
- #LDAP_URL=ldaps://ldap.domain.com/
- # LDAP base DN. Can be empty
- #LDAP_BASE=DC=example,DC=domain,DC=com
- # LDAP user DN. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind
- #LDAP_BINDDN=CN=binduser,OU=users,DC=example,DC=domain,DC=com
- # LDAP user password. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind
- #LDAP_BINDPW=LdapUserPassw0rd
- # LDAP filter. Tokens example:
- # %1-9 - if the input key is user@mail.domain.com, then %1 is com, %2 is domain and %3 is mail
- # %s - %s is replaced by the complete service string
- # %r - %r is replaced by the complete realm string
- #LDAP_FILTER=(sAMAccountName=%u)
- # LDAP authentication method
- # LDAP version
- # LDAP TLS using
- # List of SSL/TLS ciphers to allow
- # Require and verify server certificate
- # Path to CA cert file. Used when server certificate verify is enabled
- #LDAP_TLS_CACERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
- # Path to CA certs directory. Used when server certificate verify is enabled
- #LDAP_TLS_CACERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs
- # Wether to use starttls, implies LDAPv3 and requires ldap:// instead of ldaps://
- # Matrix authentication (for more information see the documention of the "Prosody Auth Matrix User Verification" at https://github.com/matrix-org/prosody-mod-auth-matrix-user-verification)
- #
- # Base URL to the matrix user verification service (without ending slash)
- #MATRIX_UVS_URL=https://uvs.example.com:3000
- # (optional) The issuer of the auth token to be passed through. Must match what is being set as `iss` in the JWT. Defaut value is "issuer".
- # (optional) user verification service auth token, if authentication enabled
- # (optional) Make Matrix room moderators owners of the Prosody room.
- #
- # Advanced configuration options (you generally don't need to change these)
- #
- # Internal XMPP domain
- XMPP_DOMAIN: meet.jitsi
- # Internal XMPP server
- XMPP_SERVER: xmpp.meet.jitsi
- # Internal XMPP server URL
- XMPP_BOSH_URL_BASE: http://xmpp.meet.jitsi:5280
- # Internal XMPP domain for authenticated services
- XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN: auth.meet.jitsi
- # XMPP domain for the MUC
- XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN: muc.meet.jitsi
- # XMPP domain for the internal MUC used for jibri, jigasi and jvb pools
- XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN: internal-muc.meet.jitsi
- # XMPP domain for unauthenticated users
- XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN: guest.meet.jitsi
- # Custom Prosody modules for XMPP_DOMAIN (comma separated)
- # Custom Prosody modules for MUC component (comma separated)
- # Custom Prosody modules for internal MUC component (comma separated)
- # MUC for the JVB pool
- JVB_BREWERY_MUC: jvbbrewery
- # XMPP user for JVB client connections
- # STUN servers used to discover the server's public IP
- JVB_STUN_SERVERS: meet-jit-si-turnrelay.jitsi.net:443
- # Media port for the Jitsi Videobridge
- JVB_PORT: 10000
- # XMPP user for Jicofo client connections.
- # NOTE: this option doesn't currently work due to a bug
- # Base URL of Jicofo's reservation REST API
- #JICOFO_RESERVATION_REST_BASE_URL=http://reservation.example.com
- # Enable Jicofo's health check REST API (http://<jicofo_base_url>:8888/about/health)
- # XMPP user for Jigasi MUC client connections
- # MUC name for the Jigasi pool
- JIGASI_BREWERY_MUC: jigasibrewery
- # Minimum port for media used by Jigasi
- # Maximum port for media used by Jigasi
- # Enable SDES srtp
- # Keepalive method
- # Health-check extension
- # Health-check interval
- #
- # Enable Jigasi transcription
- # Jigasi will record audio when transcriber is on [default: false]
- # Jigasi will send transcribed text to the chat when transcriber is on [default: false]
- # Jigasi will post an url to the chat with transcription file [default: false]
- # Credentials for connect to Cloud Google API from Jigasi
- # Please read https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/quickstart-protocol
- # section "Before you begin" paragraph 1 to 5
- # Copy the values from the json to the related env vars
- # Enable recording
- # XMPP domain for the jibri recorder
- XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN: recorder.meet.jitsi
- # XMPP recorder user for Jibri client connections
- # Directory for recordings inside Jibri container
- JIBRI_RECORDING_DIR: /config/recordings
- # The finalizing script. Will run after recording is complete
- # XMPP user for Jibri client connections
- # MUC name for the Jibri pool
- JIBRI_BREWERY_MUC: jibribrewery
- # MUC connection timeout
- # When jibri gets a request to start a service for a room, the room
- # jid will look like: roomName@optional.prefixes.subdomain.xmpp_domain
- # We'll build the url for the call by transforming that into:
- # https://xmpp_domain/subdomain/roomName
- # So if there are any prefixes in the jid (like jitsi meet, which
- # has its participants join a muc at conference.xmpp_domain) then
- # list that prefix here so it can be stripped out to generate
- # the call url correctly
- # Directory for logs inside Jibri container
- JIBRI_LOGS_DIR: /config/logs
- # Configure an external TURN server
- # TURN_HOST=turnserver.example.com
- # TURN_PORT=443
- # TURNS_HOST=turnserver.example.com
- # TURNS_PORT=443
- # Disable HTTPS: handle TLS connections outside of this setup
- # Enable FLoC
- # Opt-In to Federated Learning of Cohorts tracking
- # Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS
- # Necessary for Let's Encrypt, relies on standard HTTPS port (443)
- # Send a `strict-transport-security` header to force browsers to use
- # a secure and trusted connection. Recommended for production use.
- # Defaults to 1 (send the header).
- # Enable IPv6
- # Provides means to disable IPv6 in environments that don't support it (get with the times, people!)
- # Container restart policy
- # Defaults to unless-stopped
- RESTART_POLICY: unless-stopped
- # Authenticate using external service or just focus external auth window if there is one already.
- # TOKEN_AUTH_URL=https://auth.meet.example.com/{room}
- # Sentry Error Tracking
- # Sentry Data Source Name (Endpoint for Sentry project)
- # Example: https://public:private@host:port/1
- # Optional environment info to filter events
- # Optional release info to filter events
- # Optional properties for shutdown api
- # Configure toolbar buttons. Add the buttons name separated with comma(no spaces between comma)
- # Hide the buttons at pre-join screen. Add the buttons name separated with comma