25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다.
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
- ---
- - name: check for config file
- stat:
- path: "{{nextcloud_directory}}/config/config.php"
- register: _nextcloud_config_file
- - name: stop apache2
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: stopped
- when: not _nextcloud_config_file.stat.isreg is defined
- - name: nextcloud initial config file
- template:
- src: config.php.j2
- dest: "{{nextcloud_directory}}/config/config.php"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
- when: not _nextcloud_config_file.stat.isreg is defined
- - name: install nextcloud
- command:
- php occ maintenance:install
- --admin-user "{{ nextcloud_admin_user }}"
- --admin-pass "{{ nextcloud_admin_pass }}"
- --database "{{ nextcloud_database_type }}"
- --database-host "{{ (nextcloud_database_host == inventory_hostname) | ternary('localhost',nextcloud_database_host) }}"
- --database-name "{{ nextcloud_database_name }}"
- --database-user "{{ nextcloud_database_user }}"
- --database-pass "{{ nextcloud_database_pass }}"
- --data-dir "{{ nextcloud_data_directory }}"
- args:
- chdir: "{{nextcloud_directory}}"
- become: true
- become_user: www-data
- become_method: sudo
- when: not _nextcloud_config_file.stat.isreg is defined