- production:
- adapter: mysql2
- database: {{ openproject_database_name }}
- host: {{ openproject_database_host }}
- username: {{ openproject_database_user }}
- password: {{ openproject_database_password }}
- encoding: utf8
- variables:
- # These are the default MySql Modes for rails 5.0 only excluding
- # ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY which would interfere with the current implementation
- # of the query grouping by custom fields.
- sql_mode:
- "no_auto_value_on_zero,\
- strict_trans_tables,\
- no_zero_date,\
- strict_all_tables,\
- no_zero_in_date,\
- error_for_division_by_zero,\
- no_auto_create_user,\
- no_engine_substitution"
- development:
- adapter: mysql2
- database: {{ openproject_database_name }}
- host: {{ openproject_database_host }}
- username: {{ openproject_database_user }}
- password: {{ openproject_database_password }}
- encoding: utf8
- variables:
- # These are the default MySql Modes for rails 5.0 only excluding
- # ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY which would interfere with the current implementation
- # of the query grouping by custom fields.
- sql_mode:
- "no_auto_value_on_zero,\
- strict_trans_tables,\
- no_zero_date,\
- strict_all_tables,\
- no_zero_in_date,\
- error_for_division_by_zero,\
- no_auto_create_user,\
- no_engine_substitution"