== Personal Details [PERSONAL DETAILS] == What is your name? [NAME] * T'Vai Please describe your appaerance! [APPEARANCE] * 5'11, wiry, short-cropped salt'n'pepper hair, pointed ears, arched eyebrows What is special about your personality? [PERSONALITY] * matter-of-fact, no-nonsense When have you been born? * 2320 == Species == What species do you belong to? [SPECIES/ATTRIBUTES/TRAIT] * Vulcan / +1 CONTROL, +1 FITNESS, +1 REASON / Vulcan What talent do you have that relates to your species? [TALENTS] * Kolinahr == Gender == With which gender do you identify? * female With which pronoun do you want to be addressed? * she/her == Environment == In which environment did you grew up? [ENVIRONMENT] * Homeworld What value did you develop in this environment? [VALUE] * Reason Over Emotion What attribute did improve in that environment? [ATTRIBUTE] * +1 REASON In which discipline did you collect experiences in that environment? [DISCIPLINE] * +1 COMMAND == Parents == What can you say about your parents? Who are your parents? * Tradespeople What species do your parents belong to? * Vulcan How is your relationship to your parents? * Mutual Respect * they always supported me == Upbringing == In which context happend your upbringing? [UPBRINGING] * Business or Trade Did you accept or rebel against your upbringing? * accept Which attribute did improve because of that? [ATTRIBUTES] * +1 DARING, +2 PRESENCE Which discipline did you learn during your upbringing? [DISCIPLINES] * +1 SCIENCES On what did you focus during your upbringing? [FOCUS] * Negotiation Which talent did you discover during your upbringing? [TALENT] * Defuse The Tension == Education == Which education institutions did you visit? Have you graduated? * Starfleet Academy * Graduated Did you graduate Starfleet Academy or did you enlist to starfleet? [STARFLEET ACADEMY/ENLISTED PERSONNEL] * STARFLEET ACADEMY Which educational track did you visit? [COMMAND TRACK/OPERATIONS TRACK/SCIENCES TRACK] * COMMAND TRACK Which value did you develop during your education? [VALUE] * Non-Vulcans are irritatingly illogical Which attribute did you improve during your education? [ATTRIBUTES] * +1 REASON, +2 PRESENCE Which discipline did you learn during your eduation? [DISCIPLINES] * +2 COMMAND, +1 ENGINEERING, +1 SECURITY Which focuses did you pursue during your eduation? [FOCUSES] * Inspiration, Composure, Diplomacy Which talent did you discover during your education? [TALENT] * Decisive Leadership Was there a person during your education that had a big influence on you? * Nyota Uhura == Career == Which rank do you currently hold? [RANK] * Commander Where were you posted previously? * 1st Officer on a small science vessel At which point in your career do you stand? [YOUNG OFFICER/EXPERIENCED OFFICER/VETERAN OFFICER] * EXPERIENCED OFFICER Which value was especially important to you during your career? [VALUE] * Honesty makes things harder, but is non-negotiable Which talent did you discover during your career? [TALENT] * Follow My Lead Which important event during your career had a big influence on you? [CAREER EVENT] * Dealing with a Plague What happened there? * The majority of our crew was incapacitated by SARS-42, I had to assist our medical officer with triage and treatment. Which attribute did improve due to that event? [ATTRIBUTE] * +1 INSIGHT In which discipline did you gain additional experience due to that event? [DISCIPLINE] * +1 MEDICAL Which focus did you gain due to the new perspective of that event? [FOCUS] * Triage Which other important event during your career had a big influence on you? [CAREER EVENT] * Required to take command What happened there? * During a mission while mapping an asteroid field my caption gave premature birth and I had to take over. Which attribute did improve due to that event? [ATTRIBUTE] * +1 DARING In which discipline did you gain additional experience due to that event? [DISCIPLINE] * +1 COMMAND Which focus did you gain due to the new perspective of that event? [FOCUS] * Lead By Example Is there a person that had a big influence on you during your career? * My Captain Where do you see yourself in 10 years? * Captain of a Galaxy Class star ship == Personal development == What is especially important to you personally? [VALUE] * Sacrifices must be made as needed Which attributes did you improve with your personal development? [ATTRIBUTES] * +2 REASON In which disciplines did you gain additional experience with your personal development? [DISCIPLINES] * +1 SCIENCE, +1 ENGINEERING == Mission == Wich role do you aspire to in your next mission? [ROLE] * Commanding Officer Which challenges would you like to face during your next mission? * Discover new planets and new species and boldly go where noone else has gone before. == Equipment == Which personal equipment is currently assigned to you? [EQUIPMENT] * Uniform, Communicator, Tricorder, Phaser Type-2 How proficient are you currently with the phaser rifle? What was the result of your last target practice? [DAMAGE BONUS] * 5 == Physical (processed by the Starfleet Medical officer at Starfleet Humanoid Ressources) == What is your sex? * female How much stress can you endure during service? [STRESS] * 10 Are there special conditions that have to be taken care of before your assignment on your next mission? * no When was your last medical checkup? Do you feel mentally fit to report to duty? Do you feel physically fit to report to duty?