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3 anni fa
3 anni fa
3 anni fa
  1. xontrib load abbrevs coreutils
  2. # title
  3. $PROMPT_FIELDS['title'] = lambda: '' if 'XDG_SESSION_TYPE' in ${...} && $XDG_SESSION_TYPE=='x11' \
  4. else $USER+'@'+$HOSTNAME+':'
  5. $TITLE = '{current_job:{} | }{title}{cwd}'
  6. # prompt
  7. $PROMPT_FIELDS['prompt_end'] = lambda: '{INTENSE_RED}#@' if $USER == "root" else '{GREEN}@'
  8. $PROMPT = lambda: ('' if 'XDG_SESSION_TYPE' in ${...} && $XDG_SESSION_TYPE=='x11' \
  9. else ('{INTENSE_GREEN}{user}{WHITE}@{BOLD_WHITE}' if $USER != "root" and $USER != "toor" \
  10. else '{BOLD_RED}')+'{hostname}{WHITE}:')+'{BOLD_BLUE}{cwd}{DEFAULT}{gitstatus: [{}]} {prompt_end} '
  11. # multiline prompt