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  1. {% for hostname in groups.all %}
  2. Host {{hostname}}
  3. {% if ssh_over_tor and ('ansible_local' in hostvars[hostname]) and ('tor' in hostvars[hostname].ansible_local) and ('ssh' in hostvars[hostname].ansible_local.tor.tor_hidden_services_hostnames) %}
  4. HostName {{hostvars[hostname].ansible_local.tor.tor_hidden_services_hostnames.ssh}}
  5. ProxyCommand nc -x -X5 %h %p
  6. {% elif 'external_ip' in hostvars[hostname] %}
  7. HostName {{hostvars[hostname].external_ip}}
  8. {% endif %}
  9. {% if 'ssh_proxy_jump' in hostvars[hostname] %}
  10. ProxyJump {{hostvars[hostname].ssh_proxy_jump}}
  11. {% endif %}
  12. {% endfor %}