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remove home_profile vars

2 fichiers modifiés avec 22 ajouts et 26 suppressions
  1. +9
  2. +13

+ 9
- 11
defaults/main.yaml Voir le fichier

@@ -11,16 +11,14 @@ kanboard_api_settings: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.kanboard_api_settings.json') }}"
# kanboard_api_url:
# kanboard_api_user: ka
# kanboard_api_key: xxx
home_vncserver_started_and_enabled: "{{ home_profile == 'vdesk' }}"
home_vncserver_started_and_enabled: false
home_vncserver_display_number: 47
home_xsession_vncviewer: "{{ home_profile == 'vdesk' }}"
home_xsession_vncviewer: false

home_vncserver_allow_resize: true

home_vncserver_geometry: '1920x1200'

home_profile: desktop

default_terminal: xfce4-terminal
default_browser: firefox

@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ system_suspend_command: systemctl suspend
system_reboot_command: systemctl reboot
system_poweroff_command: systemctl poweroff

lockscreen_enabled: "{{ (home_profile != 'presentation') and (home_profile != 'vdesk') }}"
lockscreen_auto_enabled: true
lockscreen_lock_command: xset s activate
lockscreen_timeout: 300
lockscreen_locktime: 30
@@ -60,17 +58,17 @@ home_copy_all_background_images: false
background_image: background/eso0932a.jpg

home_autostart_terminal: false
home_autostart_nm_applet: "{{ home_profile != 'vdesk' }}"
home_autostart_blueman_applet: "{{ home_profile != 'vdesk' }}"
home_autostart_pasystray: "{{ home_profile != 'vdesk' }}"
home_autostart_unclutter: "{{ home_profile == 'presentation' }}"
home_autostart_nm_applet: false
home_autostart_blueman_applet: false
home_autostart_pasystray: false
home_autostart_unclutter: false

default_activities: []

workspaces: {}

i3_hide_bar: "{{ home_profile == 'presentation' }}"
i3_hide_border_one_window: "{{ home_profile == 'presentation' }}"
i3_hide_bar: false
i3_hide_border_one_window: false

i3_font: pango:{{i3_pango_font}}
i3_pango_font: "{{terminal_font}}"

+ 13
- 15
templates/i3/i3.config.j2 Voir le fichier

@@ -134,21 +134,19 @@ bindsym $mod+KP_Add exec {{points_up_command}}
## stuff that is available in default and remote mode
{% macro overall() %}

{% if home_profile == "desktop" %}
bindsym $plexmod+space exec {{i3_exec_command_prefix}} ~/bin/on-space-shortcut
bindsym $plexmod+BackSpace kill
bindsym $plexmod+Tab {{workspace_switcher}}

{% for ws in i3_number_workspace_keymaps %}
bindsym $plexmod+{{ws.keysym}} workspace "{{ws.workspace}}"
{% endfor %}
{% for ws in i3_letter_workspace_keymaps %}
bindsym $plexmod+{{ws.keysym}} workspace "{{ws.workspace}}"
{% endfor %}
# focus workspace
bindsym $plexmod+Prior workspace next
bindsym $plexmod+Next workspace prev
{% endif %}
bindsym $plexmod+space exec {{i3_exec_command_prefix}} ~/bin/on-space-shortcut
bindsym $plexmod+BackSpace kill
bindsym $plexmod+Tab {{workspace_switcher}}

{% for ws in i3_number_workspace_keymaps %}
bindsym $plexmod+{{ws.keysym}} workspace "{{ws.workspace}}"
{% endfor %}
{% for ws in i3_letter_workspace_keymaps %}
bindsym $plexmod+{{ws.keysym}} workspace "{{ws.workspace}}"
{% endfor %}
# focus workspace
bindsym $plexmod+Prior workspace next
bindsym $plexmod+Next workspace prev

# focus output
bindsym $plexmod+Shift+p focus output primary