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- {{ ansible_managed | comment }}
- #
- # /usr/lib/systemd/user/vncserver@.service
- #
- # 1. Switches for vncserver should be entered in ~/.vnc/config rather than
- # hard-coded into this unit file. See the vncserver(1) manpage.
- #
- # 2. Users wishing for the server to continue running after the owner logs
- # out MUST enable 'linger' with loginctl like this:
- # `loginctl enable-linger username`
- #
- # 3. The server can be enabled and started like this once configured:
- # `systemctl --user start vdesk@:<display>.service`
- # `systemctl --user enable vdesk@:<display>.service`
- [Unit]
- Description=vncserver service - display %i
- After=syslog.target network.target
- [Service]
- WorkingDirectory=%h
- Environment=DISPLAY=%i
- Environment=XAUTHORITY=%h/.Xauthority
- ExecStart=Xtigervnc $DISPLAY {{vncserver_options|replace('\n',' ')|trim}}
- ExecStartPost=fish -c "while not xdpyinfo > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; sleep 0.1; end"
- ExecStartPost=xrandr --output VNC-0 --primary
- ExecStartPost=systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY XAUTHORITY
- ExecStartPost=systemctl --user restart dbus.service
- ExecStartPost=systemctl --user start xsession.target
- [Install]
- WantedBy=default.target