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51 line

  1. ---
  2. home_base_color_hue: 219
  3. home_xft_dpi: 96
  4. home_urxvt_font_pixelsize: 12
  5. home_copy_pulseaudio_cookie: false
  6. home_desktop: false
  7. home_access_to_hosts: []
  8. home_vnc_client_low_bandwidth: false
  9. home_remote_workspace_config: false
  10. home_kanboard_api_settings: false
  11. kanboard_api_settings: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.kanboard_api_settings.json') }}"
  12. # kanboard_api_url:
  13. # kanboard_api_user: ka
  14. # kanboard_api_key: xxx
  15. home_vdesk_started_and_enabled: false
  16. home_profile: desktop
  17. default_terminal: urxvt
  18. default_browser: firefox
  19. # feature flags
  20. with_activity: false
  21. application_shortcuts:
  22. a: atom
  23. w: lowriter
  24. c: "{{calculator_command}}"
  25. i: loimpress
  26. d: lodraw
  27. s: xfce4-screenshooter
  28. l: catfish # search
  29. f: "{{file_browser_command}}" # files
  30. m: "{{mail_command}}"
  31. r: arandr
  32. ssh_over_tor: false
  33. session_lock_command: xset s activate
  34. session_enable_screensaver_command: /usr/local/bin/screensaver-enable
  35. session_disable_screensaver_command: /usr/local/bin/screensaver-disable
  36. system_suspend_command: systemctl suspend
  37. system_reboot_command: systemctl reboot
  38. system_poweroff_command: systemctl poweroff
  39. file_browser_command: thunar
  40. calculator_command: "{{default_browser}} --new-window"
  41. mail_command: thunderbird
  42. background_image: false