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To repozytorium jest zarchiwizowane. Możesz wyświetlać pliki i je sklonować, ale nie możesz do niego przepychać zmian lub otwierać zgłoszeń/Pull Requestów.
- ---
- home_base_color_hue: 219
- home_xft_dpi: 96
- home_copy_pulseaudio_cookie: false
- home_desktop: false
- home_access_to_hosts: []
- home_vnc_client_low_bandwidth: false
- home_remote_workspace_config: false
- home_kanboard_api_settings: false
- kanboard_api_settings: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.kanboard_api_settings.json') }}"
- # kanboard_api_url:
- # kanboard_api_user: ka
- # kanboard_api_key: xxx
- home_vncserver_started_and_enabled: "{{ home_profile == 'vdesk' }}"
- home_vncserver_display_number: 47
- home_xsession_vncviewer: "{{ home_profile == 'vdesk' }}"
- home_vncserver_allow_resize: true
- home_vncserver_geometry: '1920x1200'
- home_profile: desktop
- default_terminal: xfce4-terminal
- default_browser: firefox
- # feature flags
- with_activity: false
- application_shortcuts:
- a: atom
- w: lowriter
- c: "{{calculator_command}}"
- i: loimpress
- d: lodraw
- s: xfce4-screenshooter
- l: catfish # search
- f: "{{file_browser_command}}" # files
- m: "{{mail_command}}"
- r: arandr
- ssh_over_tor: false
- system_suspend_command: systemctl suspend
- system_reboot_command: systemctl reboot
- system_poweroff_command: systemctl poweroff
- lockscreen_enabled: "{{ (home_profile != 'presentation') and (home_profile != 'vdesk') }}"
- lockscreen_lock_command: xset s activate
- lockscreen_timeout: 300
- lockscreen_locktime: 30
- display_sleeptime: 300
- file_browser_command: thunar
- calculator_command: "{{default_browser}} --new-window"
- mail_command: thunderbird
- home_copy_all_background_images: false
- background_image: background/eso0932a.jpg
- home_autostart_terminal: false
- home_autostart_nm_applet: "{{ home_profile != 'vdesk' }}"
- home_autostart_blueman_applet: "{{ home_profile != 'vdesk' }}"
- home_autostart_pasystray: "{{ home_profile != 'vdesk' }}"
- home_autostart_unclutter: "{{ home_profile == 'presentation' }}"
- default_activities: []
- workspaces: {}
- i3_hide_bar: "{{ home_profile == 'presentation' }}"
- i3_hide_border_one_window: "{{ home_profile == 'presentation' }}"
- i3_font: pango:{{i3_pango_font}}
- i3_pango_font: "{{terminal_font}}"
- xfce4_terminal_font: "{{terminal_font}}"
- rofi_font: "{{terminal_font}}"
- terminal_font: "{{terminal_font_name}} {{terminal_font_size}}"
- terminal_font_name: Monospace
- terminal_font_size: 12
- home_urxvt_font_pixelsize: "{{terminal_font_size}}"
- home_xhosts_allow: []
- pulseaudio_load_system_config: true
- pulseaudio_jack_sink_enabled: false
- pulseaudio_jack_sink_channels: 2
- pulseaudio_jack_sink_client_name: PulseAudio
- pulseaudio_jack_source_enabled: false
- pulseaudio_jack_source_channels: 2
- pulseaudio_jack_source_client_name: PulseAudio