25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

main.yml 1.2KB

6 년 전
6 년 전
  1. _nextcloud_config: "{{ _nextcloud_config_cmd.stdout | from_json }}"
  2. _nextcloud_latest_version: "{{ lookup('template','nextcloud-latest.json.j2') |from_json }}"
  3. _nextcloud_actual_version: "{{ _nextcloud_get_actual_version_command.stdout | default(0) }}"
  4. _nextcloud_apps: "{{ lookup('template','nextcloud-apps.json.j2') }}"
  5. _nextcloud_apps_enabled: "{{ _nextcloud_occ_app_list.stdout | from_yaml | json_query('Enabled|[]|map(&keys(@), @)|[]') }}"
  6. _nextcloud_apps_disabled: "{{ _nextcloud_occ_app_list.stdout | from_yaml | json_query('Disabled|[]') }}"
  7. _nextcloud_apps_present: "{{ _nextcloud_apps_enabled | union(_nextcloud_apps_disabled) }}"
  8. _nextcloud_do_update: "{{ _nextcloud_version_file_stat.stat.isreg is defined and _nextcloud_actual_version != nextcloud_version }}"
  9. _nextcloud_valid_states:
  10. - reinstalled
  11. - installed
  12. - updated
  13. _nextcloud_database_type_cli:
  14. mysql: mysql
  15. postgresql: pgsql
  16. _nextcloud_database_localhost_cli:
  17. mysql: localhost
  18. postgresql: /var/run/postgresql
  19. nextcloud_php_config: "{{ nextcloud_php_config_map[nextcloud_webserver] }}"
  20. nextcloud_php_config_map:
  21. nginx: fpm
  22. apache2: apache2
  23. nextcloud_server_names:
  24. - "{{ inventory_hostname }}"