Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

  1. ---
  2. - name: wait for ssh port to be closed
  3. local_action: wait_for
  4. args:
  5. host: "{{ ssh_host_pre_reboot }}"
  6. port: 22
  7. search_regex: OpenSSH
  8. timeout: "{{ reboot_wait_for_ssh_close_timeout_seconds }}"
  9. state: absent
  10. register: _reboot_wait_for_ssh_port_closed
  11. - name: remember the shutdown time
  12. set_fact:
  13. _reboot_shutdown_timestamp: "{{ _current_timestamp }}"
  14. - name: pause to let host reboot
  15. pause:
  16. seconds: "{{ reboot_pause_seconds }}"
  17. register: _reboot_pause
  18. - name: wait for ssh port to be open again
  19. local_action: wait_for
  20. args:
  21. host: "{{ ssh_host_post_reboot }}"
  22. port: 22
  23. search_regex: OpenSSH
  24. timeout: "{{ reboot_wait_for_ssh_open_timeout_seconds }}"
  25. state: present
  26. register: _reboot_wait_for_ssh_port_open