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former hosts

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      PCs/Vidria Del.md

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PCs/Vidria Del.md Parādīt failu

@@ -14,6 +14,25 @@ What talent do you have that relates to your species? [TALENTS]
What does it mean to you to be of your species?
* I am trill, so what? Okay well, I mean, I am joined and that should be a great honor or something. I don't really know.

== Former Hosts ==
How many Hosts had the Del Symbiont before Vidira?
Vidria is the fifth host of the Del symbiont.

1. Karzad vosug was a medical doctor. As an ambitious male trill he became an initiate under supervision of the Symbiosis Commission and applied to receive a symbiont. His application was accepted an he was joined with with the Del symbiont. He was offered a position at the medical department of the symbiosis institute. At his position he learned about the politics of the Symbiosis Commission (see below [1]). Over the following years Karzad Del developed the belief that it is not only unscientific but also unethical to lie to the public about the compatibility of potential hosts. Because of his disagreement with trill politics he left the homeworld and joined a group of rogue trill. From this point on the Del symbiont was given to the next compatible host that was choosen by the symbiont in accordance to its current host.

2. Jenhia Rimon was a female trill. She was a singer and played a variety musicial instruments. She also performed as a stage dancer.

3. Emi Teis was a female trill. She worked as a tradeswoman. As a smuggler she got involved in criminal activities.

4. Joma Noluhl was a male trill engineer.
Vidria worked for him and he had became a kind of teacher for her. But after a short time he became ill and his isoboramine fell below a crtical level. In order to save the symbiont it had to be transplated into the next host. Joma saw Vidiras potential and he offered her the Del symbiont. She and her parents accepted.
In contrast to Vidria he considered himself to be a practical kind of guy. He once told Vidria that she should avoid to ask unnecessary complex questions.

5. Vidria Tanan was selected to be joined with the Del symbiont at age 17 when its former host became ill. Because of the tight timeframe Vidria received only basic preparation before getting joined.

[1] "Common belief in Trill society holds that only one in a thousand Trills make acceptable hosts. In fact, this figure is vastly understated, and nearly half of the Trill population is capable of being joined. The myth is perpetuated very carefully, though, in order to avoid widespread chaos which would probably arise if the information were made public, since the symbionts would become, essentially, objects to be fought over, as people fought to gain the few prized symbionts."

== Gender ==
What is your gender?
* Female

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