您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符


== Personal Details [PERSONAL DETAILS] == What is your name? [NAME] Please describe your apperance! [APPEARANCE] What is special about your personality? [PERSONALITY] When have you been born?

== Species == What species do you belong to? [SPECIES/ATTRIBUTES/TRAIT] What talent do you have that relates to your species? [TALENTS]

== Gender == With which gender do you identify? With wich pronoun do you want to be addressed?

== Environment == In which environment did you grew up? [ENVIRONMENT] What value did you develop in this environment? [VALUE] What attribute did improve in that environment? [ATTRIBUTE] In which discipline did you collect experiences in that environment? [DISCIPLINE]

== Parents == What can you say about your parents? Who are your parents? What species do your parents belong to? How is your relationship to your parents?

== Upbringing == In which context happend your upbringing? [UPBRINGING] Did you accept or rebell against your upbringing? Which attribute did improve because of that? [ATTRIBUTES] Which discipline did you learn during your upbringing? [DISCIPLINES] On what did you focus during your upbringing? [FOCUS] Which talent did you discover during your upbringing? [TALENT] Was there a person during your upbringing that had a big influence on you?

== Education == Which education institutions did you visit? Have you graduated? Did you graduate Starfleet Academy or did you enlist to starfleet? [STARFLEET ACADEMY/ENLISTED PERSONNEL] Which educational track did you visit? [COMMAND TRACK/OPERATIONS TRACK/SCIENCES TRACK] Which value did you develop during your education? [VALUE] Which attribute did you improve during your education? [ATTRIBUTES] Which discipline did you learn during your eduation? [DISCIPLINES] Which focuses did you pursue during your eduation? [FOCUSES] Which talent did you discover during your education? [TALENT] Was there a person during your eduation that had a big influence on you?

== Career == Which rank do you currently hold? [RANK] Where were you posted previously? At which point in your career do you stand? [YOUNG OFFICER/EXPERIENCED OFFICER/VETERAN OFFICER] Which value was especially important to you during your career? [VALUE] Which talent did you discover during your career? [TALENT]

Which important event during your career had a big influence on you? [CAREER EVENT] What happened there? Which attribute did improve due to that event? [ATTRIBUTE] In which discipline did you gain additional experience due to that event? [DISCIPLINE] Which focus did you gain due to the new perspective of that event? [FOCUS]

Which other important event during your career had a big influence on you? [CAREER EVENT] What happened there? Which attribute did improve due to that event? [ATTRIBUTE] In which discipline did you gain additional experience due to that event? [DISCIPLINE] Which focus did you gain due to the new perspective of that event? [FOCUS]

Is there a person that had a big influence on you during your career? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

== Personal development == What is especially important to you personally? [VALUE] Which attributes did you improve with your personal development? [ATTRIBUTES] In which disciplines did you gain additional experience with your personal development? [DISCIPLINES]

== Mission == Wich role do you aspire to in your next mission? [ROLE] Which challenges would you like to face during your next mission?

== Equipment == Which personal equipment is currently assigned to you? [EQUIPMENT] How proficient are you currently with the phaser rifle? What was the result of your last target practice? [DAMAGE BONUS]

== Physical (processed by the Starfleet Medical officer at Starfleet Humanoid Ressources) == What is your sex? How much stress can you endure during service? [STRESS] Are there special conditions that have to be taken care of before your assignment on your next mission? When was your last medical checkup? Do you feel mentaly fit to report to duty? Do you feel physicaly fit to report to duty?