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  • Starfleet HQ - Starfleet Strategic Command - saucer section style building
    • also houses the Starfleet Tactical Division
      • important division which
    • office in the top, great view over San Francisco
      • room is filled with a lot of game tables and a lot of dices lying around from several cultures, Kalto, Chess, Strategema and many other.

in person meeting with Admiral Doloktin, older Zakdorn female, Head of Starfleet Strategic Command.

  • Greeting

    • Zakdorn style
    • walks bent forward
    • smiles in a self serving borderline arogant manner
  • talks about the borg threat

    • many ships lost
    • the Borg are not to be beaten by conventional methods
    • strength of starfleet is its diversity and strong sciences
    • AI technology might be benefitial as the defeat of the Borg after Wolf 359 showed
    • interdisciplinary working group
  • career of Cmd. T'Vai - she does what needs to be done

  • offers Cmd. T'Vai a command

  • 2 Year special mission

  • USS Reykjavik (NX-479)

    • we have a working starship
    • new experimental technology, 2 years ahead
      • Deflector array -> surveign class
      • Quantum Torpedos -> new standard torpedos in a few years
      • Ablative Armor
      • Fighter Bay with space for 12 Fighters
      • Bioneural Gel Packs
      • Advanced Sensors
      • new holodeck technology
      • Seperate Engineering Unit in the aft section
      • 3 Computer Cores, one in the aft section
    • still some problems with the sensor arrays
    • Exocomp-Problem
      • Doctor Farallon – creator of the exocomps
      • Tyrus VIIa station
      • Particle fountain
      • Works only if the exocomps maintain the station
      • they demand freedom and individuality
        • this might be the biggest strength of the Federation
        • but i also project a risk in emerging AI technology
      • Some exocomps joined Starfleet and started to work in engineering
      • Well, the USS Reykjavik like the Particle Fountain at the Tyrus VIIa station currently unfortunatly only works with the care of the exocomps
      • the prototype flys and all standard test have succedded, but we did not test it in the field yet.
      • The Exocomps are a promissing addition to starfleet as i noted that AI technology might be very important to defeat the Borg.
      • Doctor Farallon will join this mission to monitor the progress of the exocomps.
  • we need this technology to be ready ASAP so i decided to take a risk and let the USS Reykjavik do the testing in the field, because i expect there to be faster results about the reliability of this technology than in the lab.

  • please contact Starfleet Humanoid ressources, they will help you selecting your crew – i already assigned a personal contigent for this mission

  • i will assign the USS Reykjavik to regular field duty once it is ready for departure – we have a lot to do to keep our borders secure these days – but i might assign your ship to special missions if i see fit

  • Please also contact Cmdr. Shelby, i want you to participate in her current project. She is working in the expert group on the tactical assesment of the Borg threat and has a special training program that we want to do with as many command officers as possible. We have something special planned. grins